Jordan Hoffman
March 27, 2023

Music exists in the space between notes

vertical tangent of
the asymptote of almosts
                between the sky and                sea

Music resounds in the questions
in sine waves that wither to
infinitesimal air particles
                unsettled into               eternity

Music invades the black holes of
blurs the border between dreams and
rattles the cosmic stillness
                that sifts the morning from         sleep

and Music seeps into caverns
buried below conscious
where unremedied wounds fester,
               longing for a                         lullaby

so, when your body is hollowed                 out
with apathy, whittled and                       vulnerable

when you have relinquished
everything you hoped for,
that you hoarded within you,

Then, you must steep yourself
in the                                        silence.

Only then are you worthy,
only then are you empty                                enough
                to host Music
only then can you become
the symphony  hall,
the sea                  shell,
the sacred           vault
                 where Music dwells.