“Numbness + Tingling”

Cecilia Tome
March 6, 2022

I don’t have adventures anymore, do I?

I squeeze between roommates on the couch

To watch early 2000s rom-coms

And drive everyone to the craft store on a Saturday.

Before I was a hypochondriac,

I used to dance a lot and feel out of breath

Until I was sure I’d pass out

And maybe even die.

I used to breathe in the smoke from my friends’ cigarettes

And refuse when they offered me one.

I was sure that I’d live to at least ninety

And I was proud of myself for that.

It’s funny how things can change,

And limbs can start creaking from one month to another,

And you cut your hair to feel older

On purpose.

Somewhere along the line you realize

Hair grows back just like bad habits.